2010년 2월 9일 화요일

Peru Conflict

1. Who are the parties invovled in the conflict?

Peruvian Military leader - General Juan Valesco
Franciso Morales Bermudez - President of Peru in 1975
Shining Path - Led by Abimael Guzman
The indigenous (Quecha and Aymara)
Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) - Led by Victor Polay Campos and Nestor Cerpa Cartolini.
Government of Peru - Albero Fujimori (the administrator)
President of Peru at the time of conflict - Fernando Belaunde Terry
2. What are the sources of the conflict? What is it about?
The sources of conflict was the desire for communism (from the Shining Path and the MRTA) and ultimate control of the goverment (from the Shining Path and the MRTA). Shining path wanted communism because its leader, Abimael Guzman, was communism himself.

3. What type of relationships exist between conflicting parties?

The Peru had a stage of military regime in 1968 through 1980, and during this time, the Shining Path had been organized as a Maoist political group. However, when the government allowed democratic elections in 1980, Shining Path launched an armed revolt against the government in reaction to this decision.

The MRTA was considered a terrorist organization by the Peruvian government, the US Department of State and the European Parliment. It was created from the merging of the Marxist-Leninst Revolutionary Socialist Party and the militant faction of the Revolutionary Left movement. MRTA launched its own guerrila attacks against the government in search for communism.

The relationship between the parties can be seen as hostile and tense in general.

4. What is the history of the conflcit?

The conflict has continued from 1980 to 2000, which is 2 decades. The parites were actively involved during this period, except for the fact that the MRTA ceased its attacks a little as only 1.5% of all deaths during the conflict was responsible for the MRTA.

The conflict was intense indead. It became at its peak when the government attempted to use extreme military tactics to eliminate the rebles between 1983 and 1985. Extrajudical executins, forced disappearaneces, and sexual violence against women were widelt used by the armed forces in their counter-insurguncy 'efforts'.

This civil war was life threatning to practically everybody in Peru, as there was no segregation between whom to kill or not. In the end of the war, it has been estimated that 69,280 people were killed or disappeared during the conflict (sourced from the Truth and Reconciliation commission of Peru).

5. How are the parties dealing with the conflict?

The parties delt the conflict with direct force. To justify 'direct force', it was an armed battle between the conflicting parties. Sometimes, other methods were also implied such as rampant violence, sabotage, forced conscriptions. assassinations, etc.

However in the end to resolve the conflict, the parties comissoned a truth and reconciliation forum to investigate, clarify and assign the responsibility of damages to different indivisuals.
Also, recommendations were made to the government for institutional reforms and reparations